Easy home ovulation test kit


I received this product free for testing. I was not required to write a review. I am doing so out of my own free will. All opinions expressed or pictures shown here are of my own. 
I received this product free to test, opening the box, two packages of instructions, 8 ovulation tests and 2 pregnancy tests. All wrapped up like a standard pregnancy test. 

Included in the box is two sets of instructions which are color coded to match the products (orange=LH test. Green=pregnancy test)

Ovulation tests (LH tests) are in the orange wrappers. Incredibly easy to use. Two methods just like a pregnancy tests. Standard stream for 10 seconds or dip in a cup for ten seconds. Three minute tests results. Results are incredibly easy to read. Two red lines= LH detected. One red line only= control line. None detected. One red + one orange line = no LH detected. 

Pregnancy test just as easy. Same methods. Same time frames. 2 red lines= pregnant. 1 red line(the control)= not pregnant 

All in all I rate this product an A! Incredibly simple and easy to use. Gets the job done. No extra bells and whistles. Fabulous. 

Purchase here ^

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I'm a stay at home mom to two incredible children. I enjoy reviewing products and providing my honest opinion, whether it be good or bad. I never settle & im constantly researching.

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